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Officer's Details


Anti Corruption Bureau, Above Muncipal Vegitable Market, Near HDFC Bank, Sharanpur Raod, Nashik.

Officer Name Designation
Smt. Sharmishtha G. Walavalkar Superintendent of Police
Shri. Madhav D. Reddy Addl. Superintendent of Police
Shri. Ajit B. Tripute Deputy Superintendent of Police.
Shri. Rakesh A. Chaudhari Deputy Superintendent of Police.
Shri. Anil D. Badgujar Deputy Superintendent of Police
Shri. Yogesh G. Thakur Deputy Superintendent of Police
Shri. Sachin S. Salunkhe Deputy Superintendent of Police.
Shri. Amol S. Walzade Police Inspector
Shri. Nana B. Suryawanshi Police Inspector
Shri. Rajendrta A. Sanap Police Inspector
Smt. Rupali R. Khandavi Police Inspector
Shri. Raju B. Alhat Police Inspector
Smt. Netra N. Jadhav Police Inspector
Smt. Chaya K. Devare Police Inspector
Shri. Sandip B. Ghuge Police Inspector
Smt. Meera V. Aadmane Police Inspector
Shri. Pankaj N. Shinde Police Inspector
Shri. Swapnil J. Rajput Police Inspector
Shri. Narendra B. Khairnar Police Inspector
Shri. Santosh R. Pailakar Police Inspector
Shri. Eknath G. Patil Police Inspector
Smt. Swati G. Pawar Police Inspector
Shri. Atul S. Chaudhari Policed Inspector
Smt. Nita D. Navghare Police Inspector
Smt. Neha T. Suryawanshi Police Inspector