Smt. Sharmishtha G. Walavalkar |
Superintendent of Police |
Shri. Madhav D. Reddy |
Addl. Superintendent of Police |
Shri. Ajit B. Tripute |
Deputy Superintendent of Police. |
Shri. Rakesh A. Chaudhari |
Deputy Superintendent of Police. |
Shri. Anil D. Badgujar |
Deputy Superintendent of Police |
Shri. Yogesh G. Thakur |
Deputy Superintendent of Police |
Shri. Sachin S. Salunkhe |
Deputy Superintendent of Police. |
Shri. Amol S. Walzade |
Police Inspector |
Shri. Nana B. Suryawanshi |
Police Inspector |
Shri. Rajendrta A. Sanap |
Police Inspector |
Smt. Rupali R. Khandavi |
Police Inspector |
Shri. Raju B. Alhat |
Police Inspector |
Smt. Netra N. Jadhav |
Police Inspector |
Smt. Chaya K. Devare |
Police Inspector |
Shri. Sandip B. Ghuge |
Police Inspector |
Smt. Meera V. Aadmane |
Police Inspector |
Shri. Pankaj N. Shinde |
Police Inspector |
Shri. Swapnil J. Rajput |
Police Inspector |
Shri. Narendra B. Khairnar |
Police Inspector |
Shri. Santosh R. Pailakar |
Police Inspector |
Shri. Eknath G. Patil |
Police Inspector |
Smt. Swati G. Pawar |
Police Inspector |
Shri. Atul S. Chaudhari |
Policed Inspector |
Smt. Nita D. Navghare |
Police Inspector |
Smt. Neha T. Suryawanshi |
Police Inspector |