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Officer's Details


Anti Corruption Bureau, Lalit Center, Paranjape Colony, Jilha Adhikari Karyalay Compound, Amravati

Officer Name Designation
Shri. Maruti N. Jagtap Superintendent of Police
Shri. Sacchindra B. Shinde Additional superintendent of police
Shrei. Mangesh P. Mohod Deputy Superintendent of Police.
Shri. Abhay M. Ashtekar Deputy Superintendent of Police.
Shri. Sanjay G. Shinde Deputy Superintendent of Police.
Shri. Ketan D. Manjare Police Inspector
Shri. Pravinkumar B. Patil Police Inspector
Shri. Yogeshwar G. Dande Police Inspector
Shri. Chitra K. Mesar Police Inspector
Shri. Santosh B. Tagad Police Inspector